Little Spitfire (2005-2006)

In my young twenties I used to make a writing resolution every New Year’s, and in 2005 I resolved to write every day and publish it on a blog called Little Spitfire. I was 24 years old in January 2005.

Some context: I wasn’t dating anyone specific, I lived in an old heritage house on Joan Crescent in Victoria, British Columbia, and worked for the issues management team in the government’s communications office for the Ministry of Children and Family Development. I had three house rabbits at the time: Peter, who lived indoors with me, and Seamus and Caramel, who lived on my balcony. My best friend was/is Quinn, and I had started writing letters to up-and-coming comedian Levi MacDougall after watching his Comedy Network special. That should be enough to get you started.

Start reading:

January 2005

Heather McLeod is a mystery writer based in British Columbia, Canada.