June 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007 – Homeless Farm Owners in Duncan

We are so tired. We both took Friday off work, as official farm owners, to stroll around the property and talk about all our plans. Saturday was a sweaty 8 hours of moving (Discount rentals, by the way, is an exceptional company). Thanks to Brock’s dad and friend Kyle, and two dollies, it was possible, though. Now all our worldly possessions are crammed into Debbie & Randy’s garage — except for our bed, which we are sleeping on in the guest room. We are officially homeless, mooching off the ever-generous McLeods.

Sunday we cleaned. It was a lot of work. We got back to Duncan at 5:30pm and I went straight to bed (post-shower). Brock only managed to stay awake because Debbie & Randy had cooked us a fantastic BBQ steak dinner and Brock can’t resist hot-off-the-grill fantastic BBQ steak dinners.

This morning we both woke up pretty early — 6am — and I ate cold (but yummy!!) steak for breakfast. Brock made us tea. Now I’m off to work and Brock starts his week off work. He has an extensive to-do list, but today is his “do whatever the hell you want” reward day for a weekend of labour. Ironically, I think he’ll choose to clean the shitty wood pallets out of the sheep shed on the farm . . . he’s an odd one. I’d drink wine and watch tv.

Anyhoo, yesterday it hit me that I’ve moved from Victoria to Duncan. Despite periodically hating B.C.’s capital, I have lived there for almost 10 years so I felt about 5 minutes of shock and grief. Then I got excited about the farm again.

Brock and I expect some significant physical changes to happen, now that we’re farmers and actually exerting ourselves daily. We haven’t lost any weight yet (I don’t think), but Brock has a farmer’s tan and his face is all dark now. I’m just zitty. And my back’s sore. Hopefully this is just a transitional phase.

What else to say before I go to work?? We have sent The Final House Plan to my daddy, for his revisions/approval/sketches. Our plan is to build what will eventually be the market (in two or three years) and live in it while we plan out our future home and develop the farm. Brock’s meeting with Tony the Septic Guy tomorrow for a brainstorming session. We need to find an excavator/foundation person/well water person. To get our building permit (this is my job), I need to get a statement of land title and a sanitary permit, and my dad’s house plan sketches.

I’ve realized that essentially we’ve made our non-work lives as busy as our work lives. The same mutlitasking, the same endless list of projects, the same reliance on other departments and people to get the work done. What a couple of masochists we are.

I’m planning out my writing studio and Peter’s Villa. I’m ridiculously excited about building a retirement home for my love bunny.

Newbie farmers.
The foundation for our little house.

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